1.to heat a metal until it becomes liquid, especially in order to make something new from it
1.Military researchers conduct elaborate experiments to try to predict who will melt down in a crisis and who will thrive.
2.This programme investigates the rate and extent of the melt down in some of the remotest regions on Earth from Alaska to Antarctica.
3.A simple solution, then, was to melt down the crown, cast it into a cube and weigh it.
4.The Malaysian stock market has been battered by investors, a spillover from the economic melt-down in neighboring Thailand.
5.It bears mentioning that in the last fifty years, no navy reactor has ever had a catastrophic failure or melt down.
6.What we are encountering in the global economy isn't just a credit crisis and looming melt-down of various financial institutions.
7.Why without it, perhaps, our health care system will melt down, if you think it already hasn't.
8.He has sold most of his discoveries to metal refiners or diamond sellers, while keeping some melt down for future use.
9.As nuclear cores melt down, reacting nuclear fuel creates many different radioactive elements, all with different toxic effects.
10.The Satanists are also now trying to exaggerate fears about nuclear fall-out and nuclear melt-down in Japan.